Researches and studies

1. Research on the sampling technology in the working environment measurement
2. Research on the analytical technology in the working environment measurement
3. Researches commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

(1) Research on individual exposure concentration measurement
(2) Project to promote measures to reduce exposure to toxic substances in the open air and other places
(3) Research on generation of toxic substances during waste disposal, etc.
(4) Unified accuracy control project (FY 1995 to present)
(5) Research on working environment measurement techniques for occupational exposure (FY 1997 to present)
(6) Research on evaluation of new measurement methods (FY 2000 to present)

4. Researches commissioned by related organizations, etc.

Studies commissioned by organizations in the industry and measuring instrument manufactures, etc.


Experiment of asbestos sampling in
a work place
  View of disperse of toxic substance

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